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dc.contributor.editorToro Gayol, Marybel
dc.contributor.otherVelasco Montante, Astrid
dc.format.extent104 pp.
dc.publisherUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Coordinación de Humanidades, Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte
dc.relation.haspartOur Voice / Margáin, Hugo B.; Your Voice / Legler, Thomas; The Restoration of Xochimilco / Jones, Colin; The Chicano Experience and park / Muñoz, Blanca; Nativism as a Diplomatic Problem: Proposition 187 / Driscoll de Alvarado, Bárbara; What"s the Difference? / Valero, L.F.; Brief Balance-Sheet of the Salinas Years / Toro Gayol, Marybel; Mexico"s Savings Problem / Hayes, Declan; The Book and Universal Culture / Margáin, Hugo B.; The Indigenous Voices of Mexico / León-Portilla, Miguel; Mexico City in the Work of Its Writers / Quirarte, Vicente; Gallery of Mexican Art / Ching, Mónica; Atwood"s Surfacing and Canadian Cultural Identity / Martínez-Zalce, Graciela; The Dolores Olmedo Patiño Museum / Toro Gayol, Marybel; The Frida Kahlo Museum / Velasco Ballesteros, Maricarmen; Frida Kahlo: Images and Icons / Glusker, Susannah; Toro Gayol, Marybel; Frida"s Fiestas. Recipes and Reminiscences of Life with Frida Kahlo / Ching, Mónica; South of the Border: Mexico in the American Imagination / Vogel, Susan; Ruiz Massieu"s Political Thought / Ortea Lomelín, Roberto; Some Recollections / Margáin, Hugo B.; José Francisco Ruiz Massieu, An Irreparable Loss / Toro Gayol, Marybel; Diana Laura Riojas / Montiel Ziegler, Elsie; José Agustìn Arrieta, 19th Century Mexican Painter / Ching, Mónica; The Creative Impulse of Leonora Carrington / Velasco Ballesteros, Maricarmen; Alfonso Villarojas, From Chan Kom to Chicago / Glusker, Susannah; The Fly Factory: Cooperative Use of Atomic Energy / Isaak, Dinorah; Medal for Jaime Sabines / Villanueva, Raquel; Bits & Pieces
dc.relation.requiresAdobe Acrobat
dc.titleVoices of Mexico: Mexican Perspectives on Contemporary Issues
dc.audienceOtros públicos
dc.audienceMedios de comunicación
dc.contributor.assistanteditorMontiel Ziegler, Elsie
dc.contributor.assistanteditorChing, Mónica
dc.contributor.businessmanagerOcampo, Consuelo
dc.contributor.correctorJohn, Steven S.
dc.contributor.designerNoriega, Ricardo
dc.contributor.designerCeceña, Eduardo
dc.contributor.designerBelmar, Marco Antonio
dc.contributor.editorinchiefMargáin, Hugo B.
dc.contributor.layoutFalcón, Fabián
dc.contributor.layoutGlypho, Taller de Gráfica
dc.contributor.printerOffset Setenta
dc.contributor.salesandcirculationmanagerDel Rivero, Fernando
dc.contributor.translatorJohn, Steven S.
dc.contributor.translatorValero, L. F.
dc.contributor.translatorJanota, Tom
dc.description.extractMexico’s electoral process ended on August 21, with positive results in tercos of the number of voters. The majority of people registered to vote went to the polis in unprecedented numbers. The elections were carried out in complete peace throughout the country. Now there will be a period of waiting for the fulfillment of what has been promised: the separation of the PRI and the government, separation of powers within the republic, respect for federalism and municipal autonomy. All of the parties proclaimed, or included in their programs, the importance of education and a redistribution of wealth. The future must put an end to illiteracy and thepoverty in which the majority of Mexicans live. We celebrate the National University of Mexico"s first fifty years in San Antonio, Texas. Intellectual exchange between neighboring countries is more important than ever before. UNAM’s campus in the U.S. has carried out praiseworthy work: thousands of bilingual students got a head start on the movement of globalization that is currently in fashion worldwide. Getting to know each other better makes it easier to resolve problems between countries in the framework of mutual respect. The magnificent example of what has been accomplished in Texas has encouraged the rector to extend this effort to Canada. Among the Mexican museums publicized in Voices of Mexico, the one we feature in this issue, dedicated to children, is outstanding. Children attend this museum to spend unforgettable hours playing, studying and admiring the exhibits. Knowledge is a very beautiful thing if it is supported by the innate joy of childhood. Papalote has been a great success since it opened, and children keep asking to go back for more of this museum. Always attentive to ecology, we report on the work of a distinguished Argentine visiting researcher at CISAN who specializes in the universal problem of garbage. She offers us a study proposing forms for adequately administering waste. Whales are threatened with extinction due to the excessive hunting to which they are exposed. Mexico participates in international efforts devoted to preserving these mammals. Ya species disappears, it is lost forever and the planet"s ecological equilibrium deteriorates.Baja California"s Magdalena Bay has therefore been declared a sanctuary, and in this issue wereport on the whale sanctuary in the South Antarctic. Respecting the world"s species is an obligation for humanity. Unfortunately some countries allow excessive hunting, for merely economic reasons. Jorge Montaño, Mexico"s ambassador to the United States, writes on the world order inrelation to the United Nations. No other world organization exists with the UN"s ability to guarantee harmonious development, aboye all if there is insistence on the urgency of supporting the redistribution of wealth among all the planet"s peoples. The director of Puebla"s Amparo Aluseum, one of the most important in the country, writes on philanthropy in Mexico. In this museum, Angeles Espinosa Yglesias —by vocation and with private resources— has devoted herself to maintaining highly select works of art from our splendid past. Her museum has enjoyed enormous and well-deserved success. Mexico
dc.educationlevelMedio superior
dc.relation.issued30, January-March, 1995

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