ListarArtículos por tema "economía industrial"
Mostrando ítems 1-13 de 13
Deindustrialization in the United States
Dávalos López, Elisa -
EU and U.S. manufacturing multinationals in Mexico
Dávalos, Elisa -
From Splendor to Crisis Contrasts in Guanajuato’s Mining History
Serrano Espinoza, Luis -
Hispanics and poverty in the United States
Levine Leiter, Elaine -
Maquiladoras and Free Trade
Gambrill, Mónica -
Mexico"s New Petrochemical Strategy
Reyes Heroles, Jesús -
NAFTA and Industrial Policy in Mexico
Gambrill Ruppert, Monica -
Private Participation In Mexico"s Natural Gas Industry
Rodríguez Padilla, Víctor; Vargas Suárez, Rosío -
South of California. Industrialization Without Entrepreneurs
Hualde, Alfredo; Mercado Celis, Alejandro -
The Maquila Export Industry And Productive Integration
Dussel Peters, Enrique -
The North American Fossil Fuel Market Part II. Integration
García Reyes, Miguel -
The Oil Dumping Controversy. Mexico"s Perspective
González, Andrés Antonius -
Topolobampo and the Pacific Basin
Retamoza G., Arturo
MiCISAN, Repositorio Institucional
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