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dc.contributor.editorArias, Arturo
dc.contributor.illustratorBonilla, Rafael
dc.contributor.otherVelasco Montante, Astrid
dc.format.extent76 pp.
dc.publisherUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Coordinación de Humanidades
dc.relation.haspartThis Issue / Acosta, Mariclaire; High-Tech and Helicopters Persecute Wetbacks / Sierra Guzmán, Jorge Luis; Farmers Go Hungry as They Prouce Food for Export / Sierra Guzmán, Jorge Luis; Governments Choreograph Dance of Indifference for Central American Migrants / Buswell, Jacqueline; Shifting Gears in Mexican Industry / Morales M., Rodrigo; Rojas, Ernesto; Feminism in Mexico, An Underground Stream / Lamas, Marta; Of All the Kings Men…Who"ll be Next President? / Sierra Guzmán, Jorge Luis; Stabilization Policy Rocks the Boat / Barkin, David; War on The Welfare State / Arguedas, Sol; ¿Just Pure Rhetoric? / Green, Rosario; Democracy is Not Enough / Pereyra, Carlos; Last Reel For Reagan"s Nicaragua Strategy / Porras, Gustavo; Talking For Peace in Central America / Morales, Augusto; Shetemul, Haroldo; Guatemalan Priest Demands Land for the People; Phoenix Brings Bad Luck to El Salvador / Morales, Augusto; Freedom Is Not Built in a Day / Pierre-Charles, Gérard; "Those who Accuse me of Hanging On to Power, Are Right" / Ortuza, Ximena; Falklands or Malvinas: What"s in a Name? / Vargas Anaya, Enrique; Overseas Development Council: Policy Advisor to Distant Neighbors; Aztecs Dance On in Modern Mexico / Montejano, Ricardo; Community Effort Makes Carnival Fun / Pellitzzi, Gobi Stromberg de; Political Novels Fascinante Mexican Readers / Fiscal, María Rosa; Paradise to be Regained / Rojas, Ernesto; Antonio Lazcano, Student of the Origin of Life / Sierra Guzmán, Jorge Luis; Books, Looking for the Future in the Past / Morales, Augusto; Books, Chile is More than Just a Spice / Casaux, Pantxika; Books, Catalogue of Plants and Animals / Casaux, Pantxika; Food, Tortilla and Crunchy Grasshoppers with Pulque / Rizo, Emma; Yanes, Teresa de Jesús; Theather, Indigenous Group Presents Lorca Play / Rizo, Emma; Cinema, Love, Luck and Destiny Play Double in New Ripstein Film / Pérez Turrent, Tomás; Music, Ten Centuries of Music in Cervantino Brennan, Juan Arturo
dc.relation.requiresAdobe Acrobat
dc.titleVoices of Mexico: News, Commentary, Documents on Current Events in Mexico and Latin America
dc.audienceOtros públicos
dc.audienceMedios de comunicación
dc.contributor.advisortotheeditorGispert, Monserrat
dc.contributor.advisortotheeditorYampolsky, Mariana
dc.contributor.assistanttotheeditorinchiefBuswell, Jackie
dc.contributor.businessmanagerRamírez, José Francisco
dc.contributor.correctorCohen, Regina
dc.contributor.designerInfante, Ofelia
dc.contributor.distributionBooks on Wings
dc.contributor.layoutRobles Hemanos
dc.contributor.layoutMersky, Marcie
dc.contributor.layoutThomas, Megan
dc.contributor.printerRobles Hermanos
dc.contributor.salesandcirculationmanagerAzuela, Rafael
dc.coverage.placeofpublicationMéxico[ca. 1987]
dc.description.extractThis is a key year for Mexican pólitics, as the upcoming presidential succession will be resolved over the next few months. The process evolves according US precise, .specific rules and:procedures involving Mexican society as a whole, and has caught the attention of political analysts and commentators the world over. On this particular-occasion, the proceedings will be taking place in the midst of one of the most complex and difficult situations our country has had to face in decades. Caught up in one of the:most severe economic crises in our history, faced with the increasing threat of generalized warfare in Central America and subjected to a diversity of international presstires, Mexicans must decide who are the presidential candidates best qualified to guarantee the courgry"s instikitional life, and what"s more, the national project we have built throughoút our history. Thus, the coming months will be a time of intense political activity in which the country"s organized forces will put forth their demands, as well as their: alternative options for the Mexico of the future.: VOICES means to cover this prócess through anides and commentaries illustrating the complexity of Mexicos situation. We will also include the opirtions of some our most distinguished intellectuous on subjects such as the relatiónship betwen demociacy and the respect for human rights in our country, the economic stabilization program undertaken by the current administration and its consequences for Mexico"s future, as well as the complicated and difficult relations with our neighbors both to the North and to the South In this issue we are also openind up a new line of analysis: Mexicans" ideas; on North American society and history. Given that the possibility:of war in Central America is widely .feared in Mexico, our section on Latín American issues is centered on: the regional situation, analyzing the outlook forintervention, the situation in the countries most involved in the regional conflict and the existing possibilities for.peace. At the same time, following the editorial policy set out inpreviouly issues of VOICES, we continue to publish articles and essays on cultural matters, emphasizing our country"s ethnic and regional plurality. Our aim is to illustrate the wealth and variety of our traditions, idiosyncratic expressions..that point both to the Mexican people"s tremendous potential and to the difficulty of adjusting to simplistic stereotypea that come to us from afar.
dc.educationlevelMedio superior
dc.relation.issued3, March-May, 1987

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