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dc.contributor.editorToro Gayol, Marybel
dc.contributor.otherVelasco Montante, Astrid
dc.format.extent105 pp.
dc.publisherUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Coordinación de Humanidades
dc.relation.haspartOur Voice / Margáin, Hugo B.; A New Era for Voices of Mexico / Labastida, Julio; A Mexican Perspective on the FTA agenda / Vega, Gustavo; Pros and Cons of the Free Trade Agreement / González Souza, Luis; The FTA and Direct Foreign Investment From Non-Member Countries / Mercado Celis, Alejandro; The National Museum of Anthropology / Durand Velasco, Karina; Serra Puche, Mari Carmen; Economies in Transformation: Limitations and Potentials of the Transition Process / Elliott Trudeau, Pierre; Prospects for International Trade: Economic Blocs and Latin American Integration / Urquidi, Víctor L.; The Presidential Tour: A Vision of the Future / Martínez Zwanzinger, Celia; 24th International Meeting of the Pacific Rim Economic Council /; La Venta: the Mouth of Colossal Head 3 / Bonifaz Nuño, Rubén; Anniversary of the Founding of Morelia / Montiel Ziegler, Elsie; Eclipse in Mexico: a Magic meeting / Montiel Ziegler, Elsie; Hernán Cortés / Martínez, José Luis; Trist, Negotiator for the U.S in the War of 1847 / Sobarzo, Alejandro; Mexico: A Work of Art / Márquez, María Teresa; Ábel Quezada and Rufino Tamayo / Toro Gayol, Marybel; Permanent Forum For Latin American Affairs / Sarukhán, José; Latin America: A Voice or an Echo? / Zea, Leopoldo; Latin America and the World Towards the year 2000 / Madrid, Miguel de la; Tenth Central-American Summit /; First Ibero-American Summit Meeting / Martínez Zwanzinger, Celia; A Medley of Awards for Latin Americans / Villanueva, Raquel; italy and Mexico: A Political Analogy / Ruiz Massieu, José Francisco; Some Changes in the Sciences and Humanities (1971-1991) / González Casanova, Pablo; U.S. Studies in Mexico / Verea Campos, Mónica; Mexican Hsitory Comes Alive / Campillo, Mirtha; Register of Dreams / Molina, Mauricio; Egerton"s Mexico / Molina, Mauricio
dc.relation.requiresAdobe Acrobat
dc.relation.replacesVoices of Mexico: News, Commentary, Documents on Current Events in Mexico and Latin America
dc.titleVoices of Mexico: Mexican Perspectives on Contemporary Issues
dc.audienceOtros públicos
dc.audienceMedios de comunicación
dc.contributor.assistanteditorMontiel Ziegler, Elsie
dc.contributor.assistanteditorGarcía Chávez, Alonso
dc.contributor.businessmanagerOcampo, Consuelo
dc.contributor.correctorWeissman, Mischa
dc.contributor.designerNoriega, Ricardo
dc.contributor.designerBelmar, Marco Antonio
dc.contributor.editorinchiefMargáin, Hugo B.
dc.contributor.layoutGlypho, Taller de Gráfica
dc.contributor.printerImprenta de Juan Pablos
dc.contributor.salesandcirculationmanagerDe Peeters, Olga
dc.contributor.salesandcirculationmanagerVillanueva, Raquel
dc.contributor.translatorGlusker, Susannah
dc.contributor.translatorJinks, Pauline
dc.contributor.translatorMarmasse, Lucienne
dc.contributor.translatorStephens Suzanne
dc.coverage.placeofpublicationMéxico[ca. 1991]
dc.description.extractThe end of 1990 brought us at least two motives for dedicating this issue to women: the tenth anniversary of the kidnapping and death of Guatemalan feminist Alaíde Foppa, and the fifth feminist encounter, held in Argentina last November, where Latin American and Caribean women defined outlines for future work. The loss of Alaíde was a painful one, for she was muclh more than a feminist or a social fighter against repression and all kinds of opression; she was a poet, a writer, a journalist, an extraordinary human being and, aboye all, a fighter for human dignity. And precisely because of that Alaíde is still present, thanks to what she gave to all of us and to the world. This small homage is completed with articles about the presence of women in other walks of life: the way they face work conditions in the in-bond industries of Tijuana; their presence as indigenous peasants, in Oaxaca, and outside their habitat: Mazahua women in Mexico City trying to survive in an urban jungle by creating a crafts cooperative. We present articles on how women deal with elections, economic crises, and political participation in a wide variety of social organizations. lssues such as rape are still difficult to discuss and the, society finds it hard to accept the growing and stronger femenine participation in important political decisions on something that seems to be permanent throughout history: sexual abuse. Perhaps this is so because discussion on this subject has always been silenced. We also present an interview with an interviewer herself: Elena Poniatowska, whose joyful commentaries on life give a touch of sympathy and warmth, and three essays on prose and poetry books written by women who dare to give free expression to their erotic imagination.
dc.educationlevelMedio superior
dc.relation.issued17, October-December, 1991

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