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dc.contributor.editorToro Gayol, Marybel
dc.contributor.otherVelasco Montante, Astrid
dc.format.extent104 pp.
dc.publisherUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Coordinación de Humanidades, Centro de Investigaciones sobre Estados Unidos de América
dc.relation.haspartOur Voice/ Margáin, Hugo B.; Undocumented Migration From Mexico to the U.S./ Bustamante, Jorge A.; The Family on the Northern Border/ Venegas Aguilera, Lilia; Cultural Relations Between Mexico and the U.S./ Madrid, Miguel de la; Mexican Press Coverage of the U.S. Primaries (Part I)/ Álvarez, Alfredo; Acosta, Miguel; Cárdenas, Graciela; Osnaya, Marcela; The William Spratling Museum/ González Cruz Manjarrez, Maricela; Lacandonia: The Final Refuge/ Sarukhán, José; Mexico Serious Over Clean Border Environment/ Ampudia, Ricardo; Characteristics and Implications of Different Types Of Currency Areas/ Mancera Aguayo, Miguel Ángel; The Reform of Article 27 and the Future of Agriculture/ Flores, Edmundo; The In-Bond Industry Faces the Challenge of Globalization/ Ceceña Martorella, Ana Esther; The Future of the In-Bond Industry/ Gambrill Ruppert, Mónica C.; Walt Whitman, Chritopher Columbus and Rubén Darío/ Stavans, Ilán; Music in the Metropolitan Cathedral (Final Part)/ Álvarez del Castillo, Fernando; The New World Order: a Third World Perspective/ Obasanjo, Olusegun; Some Constituional Aspects of Integration in the Americas/ Luisi, Héctor; Ignacio Bernal García Pimentel: Archeologist and Teacher/ Montiel Ziegler, Elsie; The Illegal Drug Trade: Justice in Mexico and the U.S./ Villar, Samuel I. del; Mexico"s Pre-Hispanic and Colonial Painted Books/ Porras Navarro, José Manuel; Jesús Helguera and Aztec Mythology/ Toro Gayol, Marybel; Mexico: The Rabbit"s Navel/ Tibón, Gutierre; The National University of Mexico/ Castañón Romo, Roberto; Notes on Mexican Bibliography/ Zavala, Silvio; Free Trade Breeds New Concepts of National Sovereignity/ Gutiérrez Kirchner, Alfredo; Reflections on the NAFTA/ Horta, Raúl; Who"s Who in President Salinas" Cabinet/ Suárez Farías, Francisco; The Chiapas Lacandon Forest/ Luna Parra, Georgina
dc.relation.requiresAdobe Acrobat
dc.titleVoices of Mexico: Mexican Perspectives on Contemporary Issues
dc.audienceOtros públicos
dc.audienceMedios de comunicación
dc.contributor.assistanteditorMontiel Ziegler, Elsie
dc.contributor.assistanteditorGarcía Chávez, Alonso
dc.contributor.businessmanagerOcampo, Consuelo
dc.contributor.designerNoriega, Ricardo
dc.contributor.designerBelmar, Marco Antonio
dc.contributor.editorinchiefMargáin, Hugo B.
dc.contributor.layoutGlypho, Taller de Gráfica
dc.contributor.printerOffset Setenta
dc.contributor.salesandcirculationmanagerDe Peeters, Olga
dc.contributor.salesandcirculationmanagerVillanueva, Raquel
dc.contributor.salesandcirculationmanagerFlores, Bety
dc.contributor.salesandcirculationmanagerVillanueva Laura
dc.coverage.placeofpublicationMéxico[ca. 1992]
dc.description.extractEnvironmental destruction is a worldwide problem. We must preserve the breath of life on the only known inhabited planet in the immensity of the universe. Industrialized civilization has recently stepped up its plundering of air, sea and land. We are in serious danger offorever extinguishing species whose life is part of our planet"s marvelous ecological balance. Recommendations by well-known experts appear in this issue asking heads of state for policies aimed at protecting the environment. No one except human beings, conscious of their responsibility, can take charge of protecting their common heritage. We must prevent destruction caused by egotistical over-exploitation of resources without thought of the future. At Sian Ka"an, in the State of Quintana Roo in southern Mexico, there is a model nature reserve which has been declared part of the planet"s human heritage. Our National University is part of this effort, as we report in these pages. The remarkable Cacaxtla murals in the State of Tlaxcala, more than a thousand years old, appear in this issue as another contribution to the knowledge of the roots of our indigenous history. Native Mexican culture surprised the conquistadors, and it is still alive in our mestizo country. Mayan civilization shone in Mesoamerica as one of the most outstanding on the continent, even before the Europeans arrived Research on the Maya has reached universal proportions. They have been studied by important archaeologists and historian from various countries, forming a well-known group of "Mayologists," to whom we owe our knowledge of the "Athens of America." The review published here concerns foreign contributions to research on the Maya, added to that of our own specialists. Continuing our list of important museums, we now present one in Monterrey, capital of Nuevo León, a state that borders on the United States. Our visitors will savor there the special wealth of our past. Difficult negotiations led to the process for peace in El Salvador. In historic Chapultepec Castle in Mexico City, witness to great events of the past, the Secretaries General of the UN and of the OAS, representatives of member states on this continent and of Spain, signed the foundation for a peaceful coexistence in El Salvador and for the repudiation of war in January of 1992. Bellicose attitudes were again shown to be useless and destructive. The only things fashioned are death, misery and destruction. In contrast, this reasonable and attainable agreement is a sure guide to peace and harinony. Articles included in this issue, as in the last one, focus on commentary about the future of a globalized world. When common interests coincide among several nations they are identified with goals that benefit everyone. While unified progress prevails, groups of freely associated states will carry on a common endeavor, because it will surpass individualefforts. If the price is too high, such associations of states will become precarious and will dissolve. Meanwhile, the old idea of autocratic sovereignty will be modified in favor of higher goals that are beneficial to all. This is the world we live in. The North American Free Trade Agreement under study between Canada, the United States and Mexico, must prove that it can yield common benefits; the only way it can becoine permanent. We will achieve an active econoinic relationship on the continent through dynatnic inodern developinent that respects sovereignty. Music is an important part of our culture. This issue continues with the history of music in the Metropolitan Cathedral. As in all aspects of art, the European inodels that arrived via Spain were modified by the artistic talents of native Mexicans
dc.educationlevelMedio superior
dc.relation.issued20, July-September, 1992

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