What is MiCISAN?

MiCISAN is a centralized, open-access digital platform. It requires no subscription, registration, or payment, and conforms to the international and national interoperability standards. It allows for the use and reuse of information and an automatic link-up with the national repository and others in Mexico and abroad.

This platform hosts the CISAN’s institutional memory, currently made up of four collections of items previously published by the center:

Books, Notebooks, and the CISAN magazines Voices of Mexico and Norteamérica, Academic Journal.


Our mission is to integrate, organize, protect, and disseminate the CISAN’s scientific production through a digital platform.


To position ourselves in the region as a leading digital platform with regard to research specialized in North America and its relationship to the world.

Future of the Platform

By 2022, MiCISAN is projected to be a sustainable digital platform that will make the use and reuse of documents an essential mechanism of scientific innovation and an obligatory, free, open-access source for anyone doing specialized research about North America and its relationship with the world. It will include collections of books, photographs, videos, posters, pamphlets, progress reports, and other resources produced by the CISAN.

MiCISAN, Repositorio Institucional

Hecho en México, todos los derechos reservados 2018. Esta página puede ser reproducida con fines no lucrativos, siempre y cuando no se mutile, se cite la fuente completa y su dirección electrónica. De otra forma, requiere permiso previo por escrito de la institución.

Sitio Web administrado por: Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Nortemicisan@unam.mx

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